Conversation that opens you up

JM -

CEO, Tech Company

"Kim has had a huge impact in my life as a CEO, as a father and as human being.

She made me realise my potential and how to explore it. I got to know myself much better and understood how to connect with others at a different level. I just can´t wait for the next coaching session!”

Hi, it's lovely to have you here.

For the last 20 years I've been playing with personal communication, how we build great relationships and how we inspire others around us.

There is a beautiful alchemy in how we communicate that can start with a deep inner conversation with ourselves. If we are curious enough to explore this inner world, we can navigate access to a voice that is deeply authentic, inspiring and wise when we connect with others.

I like to call this voice, your 'Ventral Voice', because knowledge of your nervous systems, mindfulness and somatic exercises can activate your Ventral Vagal Nerve. When you tone this nerve it offers you access to a whole new way of listening, thinking and speaking. It is a voice that is completely transformational.

If you are curious about the impact that your Ventral Voice and mindsets can have on your leadership, colleague interactions or client relationships then I would love to share more.

I hope we will have the chance to connect soon.


Charlotte Perkin

This was a total game changer!! I'm just about to walk into a meeting and my mindset is so different. The most insightful, helpful three hours, and what a great setting! Thank you, Kim

European Investment Bank - SIT Alumni

I completely surrendered to Kim’s methods, she pulled all the creativity I had to give, which produced incredible results for what I was able to communicate in words.

RS, Supply Chain Director

Brilliant, brilliant, session!!!!! Thank you, everyone loved it.

Delegate, Finding Flow Course

Immeasurable. Life Changing. Mindset reset.

Delegate, Journey in Transformational Leadership Course

This course is precious, it's valuable, it takes a whole lot of self-questioning, and you leave it wanting for it to last longer.

AR, Delegate, Personal Communication Course

Wow, this just blew my mind!


Thank you Kim for such an inspiring and motivating course. That was by far the best training course I have ever attended.


Thank you for such an incredible two days of learning, I left feeling so positive and excited and raring to go, which has been something I’ve honestly lacked in the last 3 months due to management changes. 


Thank you again for your presentation last night – it was really inspiring and so refreshing to hear someone talk so calmly and practically about being innovative and doing things differently!


That genuinely was the best training course I have ever been on and I was fully engaged through out. I found your approach very refreshing, intelligent, intuitive and bold.

I have never heard anyone in a professional setting (only personal) talking about leading with an open heart and it truly filled me with joy. I tend to find training dry, unengaging and obvious. With limited ways to integrate anything. I loved that you didn’t tell us how to do it on a surface level, instead we unpicked all the blocks, challenges that we bring to it, freeing up a different way of working with an amazing tool kit.

I can’t believe how much we covered and even though I was given no extra information about our organisation in a lot of ways I have much more clarity than I did before.

Jane Hogan

Kim's programmes are a cut above the majority I have experienced. Insightful, inspiring, aspirational and rarest of all - crammed full of actionable take-aways which I can and will directly apply to improve performance. The whole experience was massively uplifting, and I was a little sad not to be logging on for another shot in the arm this morning... 10/10

Laura Coates

Kim has a unique ability to look at a common problem from a new angle and help find constructive and effective solutions. Her perspective encourages you to drop common misconceptions and gives you the confidence to talk to anyone - about anything - no matter how unlikely this may have seemed at first. Her wide breadth of experience is evidential in the level of support and guidance she offers. I would highly recommend coaching from Kim to even the most experienced of fundraisers - there is so much to gain.

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